Traditionally, Semco Maritime has always been a place of plenty of opportunities and an “if you want it, then go for it” attitude. We want to encourage this mindset that leaves room for development and growth – both professionally and personally.
The responsibility for your development and job satisfaction is two-sided.
“When it comes to your career, YOU are responsible for your own happiness. Your manager, on the other side, has an important role in supporting, listening and opening doors. Your HR Business Partner is also available if you need support or advice on how to go about creating change. When considering your own development – please be cautions not to think that the only way to develop is to become a manager… Up is NOT the only way to develop!” says Mikkel Stephansen, HR Business Partner & Talents Acquisition.
At the moment, we see many inspiring examples of colleagues who find new challenges in other departments or divisions. We want to share three recent examples in which we succeed in keeping happy and dedicated colleagues – and their invaluable knowledge - inhouse!
Jeppe Lützhøft has been part of the Renewables division for the past 8 years as an Electrical Engineer. He got the taste of Innovation when he was working with the “Automatic Corrosion Management” project… Together with his manager and the innovation team, he has now found an arrangement that makes it possible for him to work with innovation full time until December.
We asked the employee, Jeppe, and the manager, Andreas, why they are both excited about this bold arrangement:
Jeppe Lützhøft, Senior Electrical Engineer:
“I have always been passionate about Innovation and digitalisation, therefore it's great to be allowed to develop in that direction and try it out full time for a period! It gives me a huge kick to build something that makes everyday life smarter and more efficient.
In innovation, I get to run the DataInsight project, which contains parts of everything I find interesting, from Python to deep learning and business development of IT projects.”
”I believe that great leadership is to dare to think beyond “short term” versus “long term.” I imagine Semco Maritime as a workplace where the vast majority of people wake up every day inspired, feeling safe where they are and by end the day fulfilled by the work they do. My leadership in Semco Maritime is about understanding our people. What do they dream about, what does their ideal job look like? And connecting that to Semco Maritime's mission. In Jeppe´s case, we found that he had big a passion for innovation and coding in Python, which turned out to be a massive upside for the way we execute. Fast-forward, Jeppe and I found a way to develop his skills to the extent possible in the LV team, and from there it was only natural to see him in transfer into the new role in the Innovation team.”
Maria Balslev Jørgensen started with us as an intern in Large Projects – after her studies she took on a permanent position as an Executive Assistant.
From the very beginning Maria was open about how she strived towards a dream position in Sales. In February, this year she relocated to Sales in the Renewables division. Something that only came into place, because HR knew that Maria dreamed about working in Sales.
It makes us proud to see Thomas’ post on LinkedIn – because this is another perfect example of how we should support each other and encourage development within Semco Maritime!
At Semco Maritime, you can always contact your manager or your HR Business Partner if you want to discuss your development opportunities!