Andrew Wang
Senior Manager, Telecom products
Semco Maritime Pte Ltd.
20 Toh Guan Road
07-03 CJ Logistics Building
Singapore 608839
General enquiries
Tel. +45 7916 6666
Semco Maritime
Esbjerg Brygge 30
DK- 6700 Esbjerg
We have delivered telecommunication solutions to a vast number of vessels in the offshore industry during the last 20 years. Based on thorough engineering studies our experienced engineers calculate and design the best solution in terms of safeguarding your people and assets while considering both the initial expenses for engineering, construction and installation and the costs for operation and maintenance.
Senior Manager, Telecom products
Semco Maritime Pte Ltd.
20 Toh Guan Road
07-03 CJ Logistics Building
Singapore 608839
Business Development Manager, Telecom
Semco Maritime A/S
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg
Semco Maritime A/S
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg
CVR no. DK 2549 0762
REX-no. DKREX170591191
EORI no. DK25490762
Semco Maritime Pte Ltd.
20 Toh Guan Road
07-03 CJ Logistics Building
Singapore 608839
Company reg. no. 200616492K (also GST)